Ash slowly oozed out of his body, showing that everything within was laid to rest for good. Shiva opened his third eye and saw Kama, his own lust, coming up and burnt it. Shiva was working towards Yoga, which means he was not just working towards being complete, but towards being limitless. Lust essentially means there is a sense of incompleteness within you, a longing for something that makes you feel, “If I don't have that, I am not complete.” Shiva’s Third Eye: The Yogic Dimensionīased on this, the story of Shiva and Kama has a yogic dimension to it. Every desire is lust, whether it is for sexuality, power or position. This is the story that is generally told to everyone.īut please ask yourself, does your lust arise within you or behind a tree? It arises within you, of course. So he opened his third eye, which is a fiery eye, and burnt Kama to ashes. You want some aesthetics around it, so you make it love! The story goes that Kama hid behind a tree and shot an arrow at Shiva’s heart. Lust is something that most people do not like to face head on. In India, there is a god of love and lust called Kamadeva. Sadhguru: There is a story about how Shiva opened his third eye.